Team Leaders

To enter a team in the Man-a-Mile, there are just a few things you need to know:

  1. It is most common that each team has 14 participants, (each one runs/jogs/walks one mile), but teams with fewer numbers are welcomed. In the case of 7 people on a team for example, each participant could run TWO miles to complete the course.
  2. A team leader can be a participating team member OR can function as a driver to pick up runners at each exchange point. In addition to the runners, at least one responsible driver is required per team to safely move the team to the finish line. Often 2-3 or more vehicles are used per team to move people who have completed their leg of the relay up the Niagara Parkway and across to Oakes Park.
  3. Team entry fees:
    14 runners: $425/team or, $30.35 (each for teams of 14).
    The fee is collected as one cheque for the team. Fourteen shirts will be provided  on or before race day *if* the team is registered and the entry fee is paid in full by Sunday  September 1, 2024.
  4. A signed waiver is required to be collected for each participant and given to the Race Director with the registration.
  5. A list of your team’s first and last names, seed times, shirt sizes and age is to accompany the waivers.
  6. A printed map and list of exchange points will be provided to drivers, and is also available online here.
  7. To get any other questions answered, or to get the team package, please contact the Race Director.

Team Members

Team members in the Man-a-Mile Relay are the very core of why the event exists. Since the beginning of the Man-a-Mile, the types of teams have changed from city vs city to school teams, to running clubs and corporate teams (to name a few), and the variety of trophies given for different categories reveal this. The sense of excitement and camaraderie in the teams is obvious each year.

Here are a few things to note as requirements to be a participating runner/jogger/walker in the event:

  1. There is a suggested team size of 14 people (each person runs one mile), but smaller numbers of participants on a team is also welcome.
  2. Team Entry fees: 14 runners: $425/team or, $30.35 (each for teams of 14).
  3. If the team is fully registered and team payment is made by September 1, 2024 you all will get a shirt in your size.
  4. A signed waiver will be provided by the team leader and is needed to be completed to participate in the event.
  5. Each runner must be at their exchange point on time. Runners of the first leg will be given specific start times from Fort George by the Team Leader (provided to the Leader prior to event by the Race Director).
  6. There will be refreshments (water/fruit) waiting for the runners at the finish line, however, please bring your own hydration (water etc) based on your own needs during participation.
  7. The anchor runner (last leg) needs to wear a numbered bib on the front of their shirt to assist with timing officials. This runner must return the baton to the timer.
  8. Please share the event and follow us on social to get the word out to your friends who might be interested!
  9. Any questions? Contact the Event Director here.

Event Sponsors

LHPC Logo with CPA

Cause Fundraisers

Title Sponsor:

Gift-In-Kind Support from:


In 2013, corporate sponsorship was implemented as a way to help expand the quality, impact and sustainability of the Man-a-Mile Relay Race event. At that time, it was decided that MAM would donate from the proceeds to benefit non-profit organizations in the local communities. And the Arthritis Society was MAM’s very first beneficiary. Since then, MAM has been proud to lend its support to other local groups, charities and not-for-profits. This year’s proceeds will benefit St. John Ambulance (Niagara Falls Branch) , a Niagara Region not-for-profit organization.

We are proud to work with the great local businesses who’ve been able to donate services, products and/or time. Their corporate sponsorships have helped alleviate the expenses incurred in running an event of this type—from marketing, to the donation and  production of awards, trophies, our MAM branded, athletic shirts, to the supply of food and drinks for participants. Race permits, safety teams, photographers, and media equipment, and so much more.

We thank you all for the generous donations of time, supplies or monies—whatever you are able to help with, it is greatly appreciated. If you would like to help support this great event, please contact us today. Don Stoakley, our MAM Event Director, is always happy to hear from you; Thank you for your consideration!

'Cause M.A.M. Cares 

Over the years Man-a-Mile has helped a variety of organizations, whether they were a local organization, or another group or an individual from a neighbouring community.  This year, and for the next 5 years, MAM is proud to lend their support to St John Ambulance Niagara Falls Medical First Responders.

St. John Ambulance enables Canadians to improve their health, safety, and quality of life by providing training and community services. We offer many health and safety courses such as First Aid & CPR training, Mental Health First Aid, Babysitting Basics, Home Alone, Pet First Aid, and Workplace Safety. Our Medical First Responder (MFR) Division provides thousands of volunteer hours of first aid coverage each year in our Niagara Falls Community. Our MFRs provide onsite first aid at many public events such as parades, festivals, concerts and sporting events. They train weekly to ensure that their skills are top-notch so that they are prepared to assist our communities in the event of medical emergencies, disasters, evacuations and to provide assistance at shelters.

MAM is pleased to support St John Ambulance Niagara Falls Medical First Responders for the next 5 years by pledging proceeds from the annual relay race, and through pledges collected by relay race participants. Get your 2023 Pledge forms through Don Stoakley, Event Director at

*Neither the Man-A-Mile organization or its corporate sponsors are responsible for any fundraising efforts and do not hand out tax receipts. Individual Teams are welcome to raise funds for Charity or Organization of their choice however it is the responsibility of each team to collect, distribute, and if applicable, provide tax receipts for those donations. Tax receipts are the responsibility of the designated charitable organization receiving the funds.

**Entry fees cover race day costs, official MAM sports shirts, all required race day permits, and other incidentals required to run this event.